We welcome you and your kids into our church service. 

First, Relax. We know kids make noise. We are glad that they are here! Kids are not a distraction, they are the future. The first thing you should know is that we love having kids in our service. We think that kids are positively impacted by experiencing corporate worship with adults.

Kids are a blessing and we do our best to keep them entertained while we worship the Lord together.

Second, Visit our Kid’s Table to pick up some activities and snacks before service. 

Your child can choose a few activity pages to work on during the sermon.

We encourage scripture memorization. There will always be a verse or passage we are working to memorize.

Kids can recite the verse to the volunteer at the kid’s table and earn prizes for committing verses to memory.

During the Service:

Currently, we have two kids’ quiet play areas in the back to keep kids entertained during our service.

One area is for ages 0-2yrs and the other area is for ages 3-6yrs. 

We maintain separate areas for the kids’ safety–to give babies a safe spot to lay/crawl without getting stepped on and to give toddlers a place to wiggle without trampling the babies. 

The toys in each area are age appropriate to keep everyone safe. 

If you have kids in both age groups, do your best. We leave it at your discretion where to sit--please just be aware of the choking hazards.

For kids 6 and up, stop by the kid’s table to pick up what you need, then have them sit with you in the main seating area.

Help your older kids participate by watching you. We love helping the next generation learn how to be involved in church!

After church, please have your kids return their clipboards, crayons, markers, and colored pencils back to the Kid’s Table. We encourage them to help serve God by putting the toys in the kids’ areas back where they belong if they’ve used them. We love to involve kids in the clean up-have them look around for a way to help or ask the Kid’s Table Volunteer for ideas.

Thanks for being a part of our service!



Your children’s safety is of utmost concern to us. We have worked to not only make our children’s program beneficial to each child’s spiritual formation, but also to make a safe and secure environment for us all as we gather on Sundays.


Sundays are important,  but it isn't the only ministry we do to help connect God's glory to kid's stories. We also host events throughout the year that give kids a chance to be positively impacted while having fun.