Church Music 7/7/13

church, church music, worship, bigness of God

This week we have the opportunity to hear from a visiting pastor – Bryan Bernard. Having the sermon preached by a guest offers the advantage of our church family hearing from a fresh voice and new perspective. His subject matter this week is one that every church music leader wishes the congregation they serve would more fully grasp, the immeasurable bigness of God. While the hugeness of God is something that is often talked about, it is also something that people are often numb too. Many find themselves saying the right words about this subject, but never truly finding themselves … Read More

Doctrine Matters – Jesus as Redeemer

church doctrine, church, Creekside Bible, Jesus

Keep your eyes on the crucifix, for Jesus without the cross is a man without a mission, and the cross without Jesus is a burden without a reliever. —Fulton J. Sheen I think it only prudent to begin this series by talking about some of the Church’s most central doctrine. There is no person more central to Christianity than Christ, so it seems judicious enough to start there. And like any adventure into theology, it is best begun with story. I was on the edge of my seat—as were the other students present—while my professor recounted the ordeal of his … Read More

Without Doctrine – A Church That Stands For Nothing In Particular

church doctrine, church, Creekside Bible Church, Matt Conniry

I walked on the empty beach in Lincoln City, Oregon, hand-in-hand with my then high school sweetheart. She was very pretty, blunt (if not a little shy on wits) and Mormon. There is something odd about how proximity to the vastness of the sea can bring about some of our most contemplative moments. Finally, in that time of serenity with only the sound of the lapping ocean on distance rocks and the steady rumble of waves breaking on the sandy shore, we spoke truly about God. I remember saying, in the sort of bluntness that she was so fond of, … Read More

The Elder

2 John, 3 John, church, wilsonville, the elder

In our current culture a battle wages between truth and love. Society has called people to choose sides – love while ignoring truth or cling to truth while being void of love. For most though, it feels as though these two things ought not be in conflict; it feels as if we should be able to love while clinging to truth. One of Jesus’ closest friends and followers believed this to be true. In fact, he wrote two letters that speak to the importance of both truth and love, even beginning the first of these letters by reminding the recipient of his “love in the truth.” This sermon series, on the letters which are now called 2 & 3 John, will examine the importance and connection of truth and love.

Church Music 6/23/13

gift of church, church, Creekside Bible Church

This week we begin a new sermon series, but my mind is still pondering the topic of church as it has been covered over the last five weeks. When you truly stop to process church as bride, temple, family, and body, it reminds us of what a wonderful gift God has given us (In 2 John, the passage Chad is preaching on this week, the importance of church comes forth once again). With this in mind, I felt that it was appropriate for us to continue our celebration of God for this gift. For this reason I picked songs in … Read More

Church As…

church, metaphor, creekside bible church, sermon

Many go to church, few understand it. The good news is that the Bible offers us beautiful and understandable descriptions of the church in the form of metaphor. “Church As…” reveals four metaphors for church used in the Bible (primarily in the book of Ephesians) and teaches what they mean, why they are important, and how they impact our involvement.

Music 5/19/13

church, Pentecost, Creekside, Wilsonville

This coming Sunday is Pentecost and in our prayers we sought God’s will on celebrating the gift of church, in regards to music, in the best way possible. As we often do, we started off our prayers by thanking God for all he has done and is doing in our church. Out of a combination of our desire to do a song set that was well known to our congregation (in order that people can focus on truly celebrating and not learning songs) and God’s leading, the order of our service is geared towards celebrating the anniversary of the church’s beginning … Read More

Church Music 4/21/13

wilsonville, church, music, tears

As we plan and prepare for church services we often start be reading the passage and then we pray, seeking the Lord’s direction. Sometimes his guidance seems to come quickly and clearly. After five minutes it seems pretty obvious that God has given us a clear direction; other times God’s leading is far less than clear. When this happens services sometimes end up going in a direction that we never would have expected. This sunday fits into the latter category of service prepearation. As we pick songs our focus is always on the main theme of the Sunday, but this … Read More


In this first person narrative sermon “Thomas” tells of meeting Jesus, witnessing his miracles, seeing him crucified, and overcoming doubt in his resurrection. Through the course of the monologue several themes emerge including religion that is unfulfilling and hurtful, disappointment with God, doubt, and the importance of belief.


church, receive, prayer, answered prayer

John Aikman Wallace said, “Prayer moves the hand which moves the world.” Many believe this and many more want it to be true; however, most feel like God’s hand lies inactive despite their prayers. Because of this, they give up, moving to their next request or stopping altogether. What is too often forgotten is Jesus’ teaching on the topic of prayer. Throughout the record of his life we find specific guidance on how to pray for results. This sermon series seeks to help people learn how to pray in a way that moves the hand of God by teaching about Jesus’ words on prayer.