He Entered Jerusalem

This sermon paints a realistic picture of the events surrounding “The Triumphal Entry” and shows that Jesus didn’t come to give us all that we want, instead to offer the salvation we need.


Everyone decides what they deem as worthy of their time, energy, money, recommendation, and worship. In the person of Jesus we find one who is worthy of our entire lives. This series explores the amazing life of Jesus – a life full of love, kindness, passion, devotion, and ultimately, sacrifice. This life and all it accomplished for people, should compel us to believe that Jesus is WORTHY.

The Skinny Glutton

Ancient Christian Theologian and author, John Cassian, said, “We cannot enter the battle of the inner man unless we have been set free from the vice of gluttony.” Cassian’s sentiment has been echoed throughout history. In our modern world the sin of gluttony is rarely spoken of, being replaced by words about the disease of obesity. But, as this sermon series will show, gluttony is not synonymous with obesity. Instead, “gluttony is not considering our relationship with God when making decisions about the food we eat” Can this really be a sin? If so, why? Does this really have adverse affects? If so, what are they? This sermon series defines gluttony, teaches why it is a sin, and shows its deadly affects.

Christmas Matters

The Christmas season is a time of year when the birth of Jesus is supposed to be celebrated. Instead, the focus shifts to the food, family, parties, music, decorations, and presents. Why is this the case? Perhaps it is because people do not see the importance of Jesus’ birth. They understand the value of parties and presents, but question the importance of the birth of a child who lived over 2,000 years ago. This series seeks to show that the birth of Jesus matters – Christmas matters.


The topic of Heaven has become increasingly popular. One only need to look at recent best seller lists to see that people are curious about the nature of Heaven. Millions are eager to read the descriptions of Heaven penned by people who claim to have experienced it. What is sometimes forgotten is that the Bible is ripe with descriptions of Heaven, some of which were written by people who had experienced it first hand. The goal of this six week sermon series is to lay forth a biblical description of Heaven.

Advice From Above

People often desire God’s advice for life’s decisions: who to marry, where to live, what job to take, etc. But, is God really concerned with these things or does he just care that we follow the rules he has already given us in the Bible? This sermon seeks to answer the question, “Does God offer advice for everyday decisions?”


One of the most common and important questions that is asked about God is why he, if so loving, would allow bad things to happen to good people. In the Bible, a very good and godly man named Job experiences extreme tragedy – he loses his wealth, children, and health. In the book that is named after him the question of why God would allow this to happen is pondered. In this sermon series, those ponderings are explored so that we may grapple more full with the question of why God allows bad things to happen to good people.

That You May Know

Humanity can understand some really powerful things – tigers, rockets, the sun, etc. In Ephesians 1:15-23 Paul tells us of a power that is greater than all of those. The power he writes about is so great that it exceeds what we can comprehend. This sermon explains that power and how, through it, we can accomplish amazing things, both individually and within the context of church.


There are many misconceptions about what church is and what church must be. There are equally as many misconceptions about its roles and importance in the lives of people. These types of misconceptions often make church look bad, boring, or unimportant. This shouldn’t be the case. This is a sermon series about church – what God commands of it and how you should participate.

Harm or Good

In 1 Corinthians 11:17 Paul says to the church in Corinth that some of their church meetings are doing “more harm than good.” This is a pretty harsh statement and one that seems contrary to are thinking about church – that going is always better than not going. So, what could make a church meeting do more harm than good? The answer, taking Communion in an unworthy manner. What does it mean to take Communion in an unworthy manner? Listen to this sermon to find out; you will probably be surprised by what you hear.