Church Sermons

As a church, we think it is important to know what God has said about church. These are sermons are on the Bible's teachings about church.
Featured image for “Today”
For a church to be all that God intended, its people must learn to be obedient to the commands God has made for it. The book of Hebrews has several of these commands—mandates about how we should treat one another. The book emphasizes the urgency of immediate obedience by calling us to act “today.” This is a series of sermons on the church in Hebrews.
Featured image for “Antioch”
Everyone needs a positive example to follow, even a church. The book of Acts tells the story of a church in the city of Antioch. That church makes a big impact in the first century. Over 2,000 years later they are still a model for ministry. This is a series of sermons on the church in Antioch.
Featured image for “A Life of Abundance”
“The best thing God can give us is Himself, not His stuff.”
Featured image for “Hey Church”
Church can be complicated and complex. Between the programs and the problems it is easy to forget about the the essentials. We sometimes lose sight of the things that make church good. In this series, several pastors share biblical perspectives on doing the important stuff.
Featured image for “Greetings”
The results of church done wrong are often the exact opposite of what God intended: Division instead of unity, hurt instead of healing, isolation instead of connection, and people being pushed further from God instead of being brought nearer. It is important that we do church right. This is a series of sermons on doing church God’s way in Romans 14-16.
Featured image for “For His Glory”
“Everything we experience right now is very small compared to God and His glory that He gives to us”
Featured image for “His”
Most often we think of church in terms of what we get out of it. We regard the church as something built for us. The book of Ephesians teaches something different. It explains that the church should be built on, centered around, and exist for Jesus; it teaches that it is His.
Featured image for “Ipsi Gloria”
The key question a church asks determines the direction they go. Too many churches are asking the wrong question: What have we always done? What are the cool churches doing? What will make us grow? The right question is very different; it is much more glorious. This sermon offers the key question every church should ask and gives insight into how Creekside is answering it.
Featured image for “One Another”
The secret to an incredible church doesn’t lie in better programs, more expensive technology, or perfectly adapting the newest church model. Instead, it lies in the people in a church doing what God has called them to do. 100 times the New Testament uses the phrase “one another” to describe how people in a church should act and interact. In these “one another” statements we begin to see what we can do to make our churches better. This series of sermons is on six of those statements and how we can live them out today.
Featured image for “Filled”
The New Testament book called Acts contains the story of the early church. While it is often romanticized, the story isn’t one of perfection. Instead, it contains sin, controversy, and strife. Despite it all, the early thrived. Crucial to this success was a key attribute that the modern church must duplicate if it is going to thrive. The early church was filled.