A King’s Heart

The book of 1 Samuel says something important. It says, “The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” This same book tells the story of two kings, Saul and David, with two very different hearts. This series of sermons through 1 Samuel explores those differences and tells how we can become people after God’s own heart.


For a church to be all that God intended, its people must learn to be obedient to the commands God has made for it. The book of Hebrews has several of these commands—mandates about how we should treat one another. The book emphasizes the urgency of immediate obedience by calling us to act “today.” This is a series of sermons on the church in Hebrews.

Peace In God

“Regardless of what waters you’re walking through, God’s peace is a buckler through those waters.”

All Things New

The Bible ends with an incredible description. It describes eternity for those whom Jesus’ saves. It tells readers there will be no more evil, no more pain, no more crying, and no more death. It describes a city almost too beautiful for description. At the center of the city is God, the one who made it possible. A single phrase summaries this description, “all things new.” This is a series of sermons on the newness of eternity in the book of Revelation.

King of Kings

As Jesus entered into Jerusalem for the last time people showered him with shouts of praise. They cried out “Blessed is the king of Israel!” This declaration was true, but not complete. In Revelation 19 we see a greater, fuller, declaration. Jesus is the “king of kings and lord of lords.” This Palm Sunday sermon, on Revelation 19:11-21, calls people to serve Jesus as king of kings.


Near the end of the book of John a man named Pilate asks an important question. It is a question that is as relevant today as it was 2,000 years ago. He asks, “What is truth?” What is fascinating is that the book of John has already answered the question. This is a sermon on what truth is in the book of John.


Spin the spinner, beat the clock, skip ahead, level up, and play to win! You’ll need to bring your A-game for this VBS. Twists & Turns is a fantastical celebration of games of all kinds. From classic tabletop games to video games and more, kids will play their way through VBS while learning that Jesus guides them through all the twists and turns of their lives. They’ll find that even when they mess up it’s never “game over.”

Connection Course

The goal of this course is to help people get more fully connected to Creekside Bible Church.

Easter Sunday

Our Easter service is a simple gathering that blends modern and traditional and compels people to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. We will sing old and new songs, pray traditional and personal prayers, examine Scripture, and place flowers on an old and ugly cross as a visual reminder of Jesus’ resurrection and all it offers us.