This week we begin a series of sermon on grief – which is such a hard and yet important topic for people to think about. After all, we have all been affected in one way or another by pain and sorrow. Whether it is someone we love dying, the betrayal of a friend, or a variety of other tragedies, we have all grieved. Along with this, we all know the feeling of doubt and uncertainty that can accompany grief – sometimes deep inside of us. The beautiful thing is that when we come through those times we can use our past experiences to help others. Every scar is a bridge to someone’s broken life and we are able to provide comfort to others because of Christ, whose scars are a bridge from brokenness into freedom. We can/should give thanks to Him for such an incredible gift! So, as we spend these weeks searching for God in in the midst of grief, I encourage you not to go through the motions; I challenge you to truly call out to God and seek His comfort.