devotional, sermon, church, hospital, death

God Uses Messengers (Abraham)

[bra_blockquote align=”]It was a little after noon on Christmas Eve 2010. We were sitting in the hospital room with our daughter who, four days before had undergone heart surgery to replace her mitral value. Just one month earlier…[/bra_blockquote][bra_dropcaps style=’dropcap1′]I[/bra_dropcaps]t was a little after noon on Christmas Eve 2010. We were sitting in the hospital room with our daughter who, four days before had undergone heart surgery to replace her mitral value. Just one month earlier our son had a cancerous tumor removed. The initial surgery did not go well so two days later they tried again and by God’s grace it was successful and he was miraculously still with us. Here we were again, but this time with a more “normal” surgery. But today her body was not responding like it should. Having experienced God’s healing power, I believed this was just a temporary setback. Then our good friend Cecil Sims stopped by to visit.

Sunday, Pastor Chad told the story of Abraham. I was reminded the Bible gives many examples of how God used messengers…but I believe God still does that today. I believe God specifically sent Cecil to talk with me that day. There was no logical reason he should leave his family gathering on Christmas Eve and drive 50 plus miles just to talk with me. But, his 60+ years as a pastor had taught him that when God leads you to do something you best be doing it.

Cecil suggested we walk down the hall, so we did. We then sat and talked for a while. Finally, he told me that from his years of experience and from the reports that we had been emailing about Beth’s condition, he wanted to make sure I realized that she may not recover—in reality that was the farthest thing from my mind. That could not be God’s plan—it certainly was not mine! Little did I know that within 12 hours of this meeting her sickness and pain would be gone and she would be with her Jesus.

I was still hoping and praying for God’s intervention. And, oh yes, the pain, heartache and tears still came, but I was a little better prepared for what was coming. I am thankful for Cecil’s faith led visit. I am thankful that God has allowed us to see how Beth’s faith allowed her to do so much in her shortened lifetime and touch so many people causing them to reach out and positively affect many more. I am thankful God spared our son.

Faith is believing what you cannot see.

Are you believing God?

If you actually believe God you can have the faith to do great things for Him.

So, get going; do what God wants you to do.

What do you think?