These are sermons on various topics centered around growing as a Christian.
Near the end of the book of John a man named Pilate asks an important question. It is a question that is as relevant today as it was 2,000 years ago. He asks, “What is truth?” What is fascinating is that the book of John has already answered the question. This is a sermon on what truth is in the book of John.
Social distancing is hard, but not unprecedented. Many of the Bible’s most influential people spent time detached from others. This series of sermons is about how they responded and all that God accomplished; this series of sermons is about thriving while isolated.
Lately life has shown itself to be unpredictable and dangerous. Like sea billows, crises have pummeled people. Many feel confused, scared, and even angry. In times like these, faith must be the anchor our souls. This is a series of sermons on stories of faith during hard times and the results of believing God.
God used this man named Paul to write much of the New Testament. What he writes about prayer might surprise you. He doesn’t spend any space on what it is and only a little space on how to do it. What he wrote about prayer seems to center on a single command: Pray. This is a series of sermons on Paul’s writings about prayer—the hope is that you’ll be inspired to do it more.
We are living in a time when human life has been devalued. This leaves people, maybe you, wondering if they have any real worth. Many come to the conclusion that they don’t. It is not hard to see that the implications of this are far reaching—connected to a plethora of social ills. Here’s the good news: God has emphatically declared that you matter. This series of sermons examines how and why God has made this declaration.
We communicate more frequently, in more ways, and with more people than ever before. The quantity of our communication is greater than any time in history, but the quality of our communication is not. This is a series of sermons on what God says about communication.
Bread, milk, and meat are basic elements of the human diet. The authors of Scripture use these foods to describe the importance of ingesting God’s Word. Without the Bible a spiritual life will shrivel into an unhealthy skeleton of what it could be. But when it is read, its spiritual nourishment energizes, strengthens, and grows the reader. Many think they should read the Bible more; this series of sermons, on the Bible as spiritual food, offers people reasons they should want to.
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”
Romans 12:1
This famous verse, written by one of Christianity’s greatest leaders, is often ignored or misunderstood. This series of sermons explores the topic of sacrifice in the New Testament and explains why and how we should take Paul’s urging seriously.
We want to be happy. At the same time we understand that happiness always fades; it is blurred and erased by fear, anxiety, worry, insecurity, cynicism, addiction, sin, and all of life’s problems. Should we give up the pursuit? No, but we should pursue something more permanent – something that cannot be taken from us and remains even in the bad times. This series, on the book of Philippians, calls us to seek, and find, joy.
Jesus is the most influential person to ever live. Yet, he is often disregarded, disrespected, and disdained for no good reason. For many, his name is a swear word. However, his life’s stories demand a different response. This is a series telling Jesus stories.