Book Study Sermons

These sermons are taught passage by passage through a book of the Bible.
Featured image for “Appearances”
John ran, Mary cried, Peter swam, Thomas worshiped, and the disciples rejoiced. The resurrection of Jesus changed history, but it also changes people. This is a series of sermons on the resurrection appearances of Jesus. Those appearances changed those who encountered him and they can change you too.
Featured image for “Only After”
Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem was a weird event. He entered the city knowing that he was going to die there. Yet, he entered the city to shouts of royalty and cries for salvation from the throng of people who gathered. Those with Jesus didn’t understand it, at least not until after he died and rose. This sermon tells the Palm Sunday sermon and how his death and resurrection make it make sense.
Featured image for “Passion”
Jesus was arrested, tried, denied, condemned, sentenced, reviled, tortured,  crucified, mocked, killed, and buried. He did it so that whoever believes in him can have eternal life. This is a series of sermons on the Passion of Jesus in the book of John.
Featured image for “Disciples”
Christians are disciples of Jesus. This means that they have chosen to follow him. How can someone do this 2,000 years after he last walked the earth? These sermons answer that question by looking at the first disciples. Their interactions with Jesus and his words about them teach us how to be disciples.
Featured image for “Signs, Speeches, & Spite”
What was it like to meet Jesus? The book of John gives us a glimpse through stories of people encountering Jesus for the first time. This is a series of sermons on people’s first impressions of Jesus and how he should impress you too.
Featured image for “First Impressions”
What was it like to meet Jesus? The book of John gives us a glimpse through stories of people encountering Jesus for the first time. This is a series of sermons on people’s first impressions of Jesus and how he should impress you too.
Featured image for “The Word”
People usually think of others based on what they do, not who they are. This is almost always true when people consider Jesus. It is important to know what Jesus has done, but it is also important to understand who he is. These are sermons on the nature of Jesus.
Featured image for “Greetings”
The results of church done wrong are often the exact opposite of what God intended: Division instead of unity, hurt instead of healing, isolation instead of connection, and people being pushed further from God instead of being brought nearer. It is important that we do church right. This is a series of sermons on doing church God’s way in Romans 14-16.
Featured image for “Living Sacrifice”
God gives a lot to those who place their faith in Jesus. Christians receive righteousness, justification, holiness, reconciliation, adoption, sanctification, blessing, and glory. Do these big Christian words have practical implications for how people live? Yes. This is a series of sermons about living the Christian life in Romans 12-13.
Featured image for “Doxology”
This is an Easter sermon on Romans 11:33-36.