
We preach in hopes that you will learn and live more fully for the glory of God.


The book of 1 Samuel says something important. It says, "The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” This same book tells the story of two kings, Saul and David, with two very different hearts. This series of sermons through 1 Samuel explores those differences and tells how we can become people after God's own heart.


Featured image for “First Impressions”
What was it like to meet Jesus? The book of John gives us a glimpse through stories of people encountering Jesus for the first time. This is a series of sermons on people’s first impressions of Jesus and how he should impress you too.
Featured image for “The Word”
People usually think of others based on what they do, not who they are. This is almost always true when people consider Jesus. It is important to know what Jesus has done, but it is also important to understand who he is. These are sermons on the nature of Jesus.
Featured image for “Hey Church”
Church can be complicated and complex. Between the programs and the problems it is easy to forget about the the essentials. We sometimes lose sight of the things that make church good. In this series, several pastors share biblical perspectives on doing the important stuff.
Featured image for “Sermon On The Mount (Chapter 7)”
Jesus’ longest recorded sermon, and most influential, is traditionally called The Sermon the Mount. The sermon is full of famous proclamations, phrases that are often memorized or hung on walls. But why are these words important 2,000 years later? This series of sermons is about The Sermon on the Mount and why it still matters.
Featured image for “Greetings”
The results of church done wrong are often the exact opposite of what God intended: Division instead of unity, hurt instead of healing, isolation instead of connection, and people being pushed further from God instead of being brought nearer. It is important that we do church right. This is a series of sermons on doing church God’s way in Romans 14-16.
Featured image for “Living Sacrifice”
God gives a lot to those who place their faith in Jesus. Christians receive righteousness, justification, holiness, reconciliation, adoption, sanctification, blessing, and glory. Do these big Christian words have practical implications for how people live? Yes. This is a series of sermons about living the Christian life in Romans 12-13.
Featured image for “Isolated”
Social distancing is hard, but not unprecedented. Many of the Bible’s most influential people spent time detached from others. This series of sermons is about how they responded and all that God accomplished; this series of sermons is about thriving while isolated.
Featured image for “For His Glory”
“Everything we experience right now is very small compared to God and His glory that He gives to us”
Featured image for “Descendants”
The history of Israel is in many ways a history of God’s work, and mercy, amongst people. In studying the Israelite’s relationship to God, we can learn much about what it means to be the people of God. This is a series of sermons about Israel, mercy, and us in Romans 9-11.
Featured image for “Conquerors”
Sometimes life makes us feel like losers. It can seem like we will never overcome our struggles, our sorrows, or our sins. Romans 6-8 tells a different story. It tells us that through God’s victorious love we can be conquerors, and more. This is a series of sermons explaining what it means to be “more than conquerors through him who loved us.”